Special Event: Sergeants Visit Atidaynu in Honor of Veterans Day

In preparation for Veterans Day, the students of Atidaynu made cards for soldiers to show appreciation to those that so valiantly serve our country and make sure we are safe.

Veterans Day

We have been learning all about what soldiers and veterans are, what they do, and why they are important to us.

Sergeant Mercedes Nearing and Special Agent Yocally Castillo spoke about their roles in the military and where they currently serve. They told us all about what they do and even shared some exciting stories.

Yotacaly took some time to explain about camouflage and why it's important.

Tzvi asked our guests what the most difficult part of being a soldier is. Mercedes answered that for her, the hardest part is being away from her family for long stretches of time.


Chezki asked what their favorite thing is about being a soldier and Chaim shared that his great grandfather was in the army.

Armani really stomped our guests when he asked whether their military base is properly prepared for an attack by giants.  

We ended this fun meeting by thanking the soldiers for coming down to speak to us and for their service to our country. It was so much fun watching these heroes interact with our students!

Special Event